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Gabriela & Brian — Minted




Gabriela and Brian

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

Our love story began in the whimsical industrial park town of Wood Dale, IL. We were both working on the commercial aviation trading side of our company and during Gabby's time there, one of her good friend's from college, Derek, joined the team. Brian and Derek became fast friends, which we attribute to their frequent, "accidentally" matching outfits and spirited Packers/Vikings rivalry. Eventually, we were both invited to Derek's birthday party at State Bar (RIP) in the city. After a few beverages, Gabby mustered up the courage to go talk to Brian and we chatted for the rest of the party...

Fast forward a few months when Gabby finally broke the news about heading to law school while trying to decide which one to attend. Chicago graced us with the Polar Vortex that year, so Gabby was determined to get out and head West. A couple of those options were in Colorado and in his typical chivalrous fashion, Brian offered to drive her for the tours. Brian loves to tell people that we didn't turn the radio on once on either leg of the drive (it's true!) because we were having such a blast talking and taking in the scenes. While Gabby decided not to go to either of the schools we visited, we are both so grateful we went because on that trip, we fell in love. Things escalated between the two of us after the road trip and fortunately, Gabby's acceptance into Northwestern sealed her fate in Chicago.

After seven years together, we've made it through law school, a few apartments, our first pup, work challenges, personal challenges, a global pandemic and everything in between. Our love story really is our favorite and we can't wait to start the next chapter!